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Visitors Scheme

The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is a national program funded by the Australian Government. The CVS aims to enrich the quality of life of older people in our community who are socially isolated or lonely, and would benefit from a friendly visitor. 


Community Visitors are matched with individuals based on interests as a basis for an ongoing friendship. Visitors can visit with one person or a small group of people who want to share a specific activity. 



Senior Men Playing Chess
Old and Young

To be eligible to receive a Visitor you must either reside in a government subsidised aged care home or be a recipient of a home care package. 


Community Visitors visit at least once a fortnight to share interests and friendship. Activities undertaken are determined by the individuals though depend upon the health and ability of the client.


Sharing your time and interests with an older person can be extremely rewarding and mutually beneficial.




For further information, contact The New School of Arts Neighbourhood House on                  02 6640 3812 or email


More information can also be found on the Department of Health Website

To register your interest complete the form and email to the address below.

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